Our Florida Partners
A consortium of partners
Here to Make a Difference
USF’s Florida Covering Kids & Families (FL-CKF) is a statewide initiative which works collaboratively with Florida agencies and stakeholders to advocate and conduct outreaches to ensure all Floridians have access to affordable health care coverage. The initiative aims to foster and facilitate innovative strategies for enrolling and retaining eligible children in Florida’s Children’s Health Insurance Program, Florida KidCare, as well as adults in Medicaid and the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace. FL-CKF also maintains strong channels of communication with local communities in order to reduce health disparities for special populations.
Florida Connecting Kids to Coverage is a consortium of partners throughout the state. Our partners help navigate and conduct outreaches throughout Florida, providing in-person and remote assistance throughout the entire state. Learn more about your county partners below.
USF Florida Covering Kids & Families
Florida Covering Kids & Families actively works to provide education, training, and enrollment assistance to help individuals obtain health coverage throughout Florida. Contact us at 813-591-0320 or email us at fl-ckc@usf.edu.
Family Healthcare Foundation
Family Healthcare Foundation
True Health
True Health has served low-income, uninsured, underinsured, and underserved populations in Central Florida since 1977. We operate seven service delivery locations within Orange and Seminole Counties, which includes seven neighborhood health centers. Call us today to enroll 407-322-8645 or email us at info@mytruehealth.org.
Golisano Children’s Hospital | Lee Health
Golisano Children’s Hospital | Lee Health
As the largest not-for-profit public health system in Florida, operating throughout Southwest Florida it’s our mission to build a healthier future for our community. We have a vision for our future — one that embraces positive change and innovation. Our community plays a big role in the services we provide, the innovative technology we support, and the facilities, events, and classes we offer. Explore our website to learn more about our history, vision, and mission. Contact us at 239-343-5821.
Wolfson Children’s
Advocating for children is the most important part of our mission. Through THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health at Wolfson Children’s, we reach beyond the walls of the hospital to promote safe and healthy childhoods for all kids in our region. Connect with us at 904-202-WELL (9355).